

政府的数字 & Data -

£44,500 - £48,243

INDEX -交付经理





£44,500 - £48,243

A 公务员退休金 雇主的平均供款为27%






You will be expected to join on a two-year loan/secondment if you are already a Civil/Crown Servant.


CO -联合情报组织









Successful candidates will be assigned to our office in Whitehall, 虽然这个角色的大部分可以远程执行.



信息和数据交换(INDEX)是情报评估界的核心, 建设创新的数字能力,确保我们的国家安全评估能够保持技术和分析优势.

We are seeking motivated, dynamic and capable individuals to join a growing and ambitious INDEX team. 候选人应热衷于开发和提供数字解决方案,以满足用户需求和政府的数字化转型. We are looking for people with the right approach, experience and willingness to learn. INDEX团队培养创新文化, 支持无障碍,促进包容性和多样性.

信息和数据交换(INDEX)是由联合情报组织(JIO)发起的一项数字倡议。. INDEX is a digital 服务 which enables analysts to quickly find relevant, 高质量的政府报告(分析和评估)和公开可用的材料(开源). INDEX优化了先进的分析和云技术,使跨HMG工作的人员能够快速识别相关信息, high-quality data and information from within and external to 政府ernment.

We are advertising for two delivery man年龄r roles to help grow the INDEX 服务. You will be working with external development teams and teams across 政府ernment. There will be opportunities to work with a range of stakeholders including 政府ernment departments, 国家安全社区和行业合作伙伴. You will be empowered to identify and implement improvements to help scale the 服务, 包括通过自动化和使用数据和指标. There will be opportunities to gain experience in commercial and financial man年龄ment, 以及安全和风险管理. 你将作为多学科团队的一员工作, 包括用户研究人员, 开发人员, 以及整个政府的分析团队.


The Information and Data Exchange (INDEX) sits at the heart of the intelligence assessment community, 建设创新的数字能力,确保我们的国家安全评估能够保持技术和分析优势.

We are seeking motivated, dynamic and capable individuals to join a growing and ambitious INDEX team. 候选人应热衷于开发和提供数字解决方案,以满足用户需求和政府的数字化转型. We are looking for people with the right approach, experience and willingness to learn. INDEX团队培养创新文化, 支持无障碍,促进包容性和多样性.

信息和数据交换(INDEX)是由联合情报组织(JIO)发起的一项数字倡议。. INDEX is a digital 服务 which enables analysts to quickly find relevant, 高质量的政府报告(分析和评估)和公开可用的材料(开源). INDEX优化了先进的分析和云技术,使跨HMG工作的人员能够快速识别相关信息, high-quality data and information from within and external to 政府ernment.

We are advertising for two delivery man年龄r roles to help grow the INDEX 服务. You will be working with external development teams and teams across 政府ernment. There will be opportunities to work with a range of stakeholders including 政府ernment departments, 国家安全社区和行业合作伙伴. You will be empowered to identify and implement improvements to help scale the 服务, 包括通过自动化和使用数据和指标. There will be opportunities to gain experience in commercial and financial man年龄ment, 以及安全和风险管理. 你将作为多学科团队的一员工作, 包括用户研究人员, 开发人员, 以及整个政府的分析团队.


联合情报组织(JIO)主要支持联合情报委员会(JIC)和外交政策与安全委员会, the Prime Minister and other key decision-makers by providing authoritative, 对广泛的国家安全和外交政策重点进行可靠的全来源情报评估.

我们的工作包括, 并且超越了, ‘traditional’ national security topics such as geopolitical issues and threats to British interests. We apply a national security lens to issues such as emerging technology, 经济和卫生安全, 例如,气候变化和地平线扫描, 确定和监测面临不稳定风险的国家).

The Professional Head of 情报 Assessment (PHIA) was established in 2005. 该职位和相关团队是JIO的一部分,并领导英国情报界分析能力的发展.



我们正在招聘两名送货经理. Example responsibilities, which will be split across the two successful candidates, include:

  • Maintaining delivery momentum with external development teams: 确保他们的积极性,合作和工作良好. Contribute to prioritisation activities, business cases, benefits realisation and business change.
  • 待办事项的优先级和细化: Focus the team on what is most important to the delivery of products and 服务s. 将需求定义为史诗, jira和任务中的功能和故事, 提供明确的验收标准. 与用户研究人员合作,在技术和业务利益相关者之间沟通用户研究结果,以便他们分享对用户的强烈理解. 
  • 识别和实施服务和流程改进: 识别障碍并帮助团队克服它们. 使用业务建模来执行和促进“现状”和“未来”情景的分析,以确定潜在的流程改进. Document and communicate options and recommendations to meet business and user requirements. 
  • 业务分析: 跟踪和主动管理项目相关的行动和决策,积极识别和管理依赖关系和障碍. 测量并与更广泛的团队沟通交付进度,包括输入管理指标, 每周更新和通信. 
  • 敏捷: Coach and mentor team members to apply the most appropriate Agile ways of working. Champion agile best practice, mentor team members in agile techniques and use of Jira. 
  • 支持商业和财务管理; 与内阁办公室的商业和财务团队合作,确保INDEX服务遵循最佳实践. 支持 budget planning, invoice man年龄ment, spend approvals and procurement options analysis. Commercial and financial experience is not essential, you will be provided with training.

你将被授权发起新的倡议, develop new relationships and try new ideas which are aligned with the INDEX vision.



成功的候选人具备以下技能, These skills are aligned with the DDaT Profession Delivery Man年龄r role:  

http://ddat-capability-framework.服务.政府.英国/ delivery-man年龄r.html

  • 敏捷实践(实践者): You can identify and compare the best processes or delivery methods to use; recognise when something does not work and encour年龄 a mindset of experimentation; adapt and reflect, be resilient and see outside of the process; use a blended approach depending on the context; measure and evaluate outcomes and help teams to man年龄 and visualise outcomes.
  • 商业管理(从业): You can act as the point of contact for contracted suppliers; understand appropriate internal contacts and processes within a 政府ernment department; and understand how and when third parties should be brought into digital, 数据和技术(DDaT)项目.
  • Communicating between the technical and non-technical (practitioner): You can listen to the needs of technical and business stakeholders, and interpret them; effectively man年龄 stakeholder expectations; man年龄 active and reactive communication; support or host difficult discussions within the team or with diverse senior stakeholders.
  • 财务管理(在职): You can balance cost versus value; consider the impact of user needs; report on financial delivery; monitor cost and budget; and understand how and when to escalate issues
  • 保持交付势头(从业人员): 您可以简化团队的交付流程, managing the pace and tempo and actively address internal and external risks, issues and dependencies including where ownership exists outside the team.
  • 计划(医生): You can understand the environment and prioritise the most important or high value tasks; use data to inform planning; man年龄 complex internal and external dependencies; provide delivery confidence; remove blockers or impediments that affect plans and can develop a plan for difficult situations and ensure that teams plan appropriately for their capacity.

We invest in upskilling our team members to enable them to thrive once they start working with us. 像这样, 如果你不具备这些理想的技能, 不要让它耽误了你的申请,一旦你上岗,我们就会为成功的候选人提供这些技能.


A minimum 60% of your working time should be spent at your principal workplace. 虽然出席其他地点的公务要求也将计算在此出勤率中.


We'll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • 一起工作
  • 改变和改进
  • 管理优质服务


We'll assess you against these technical skills during the selection process:

  • 敏捷实践(实践者):


加上你44英镑的薪水,500, 内阁府出资12英镑,015 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. 你可在此了解公务员退休金的福利.

年薪的增长将取决于个人的表现和对公司成功的贡献. 除了 there will be the opportunity to earn performance related bonuses.

现职公务员可借调至所属部门担任该职位,任期为广告所述的期间(须获得所属部门的批准,方可担任该职位)。. Those joining on level transfer will retain their current salary. 按晋升条款入职的员工,可获现时基本薪金或最低薪级最多增加10%,以较高者为准. 晋升入职的员工将采用2013年生效的现代化雇佣条款和条件.

养老保险: 有许多优良的养老金计划可供选择. More information about pension provisions can be found at www.civil服务.政府.英国养老金/

灵活的工作: Flexible working including job-share arrangements may be considered for this role.

休假制度: 25 days' paid leave per annum rising to 30 days after five years' 服务. 除了, 全职员工有8个公共假期和女王生日特权日,还有竞争性的产假, 亲子鉴定, 育儿假和领养假.

危机工作: As the JIO and PHIA are at the heart of national security function for the UK, there are occasionally times where we need to respond to incidents of crisis or critical importance. 在这种情况下,任何职位的员工都可能被要求在很少或根本没有通知的情况下延长或反社会工作时间.

试用期: Staff new to the Civil Service will be required to serve a six month probationary period.

地点: 该职位将设在伦敦威斯敏斯特. 没有搬迁费用.

平等和多样性: The 内阁办公室 is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all staff. 我们不会因性别而歧视, 性别认同, 比赛, 残疾, 性取向, 宗教或信仰, 年龄, 有照顾责任的人, part time workers or any other factor irrelevant to a person’s work. 我们鼓励多元化的员工队伍,并致力于提供一个各级员工都受到重视和尊重的工作环境, 歧视在哪里, 欺凌, promotion of negative stereotyping and harassment are not tolerated.

