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Digital Skills Festival: Conference Day 2024


This year’s Conference Day brought business leaders, startups, 各机构和利益相关者共同探讨科技行业的区域前景, as well as to consider the effects of fast-emerging technology, such as AI. 

As part of the annual Digital Skills Festival, Conference Day was sold out ahead of time, and saw the launch of the new Skills Snapshot, panels talks, Ecom的主题演讲,以及我们的导师和学徒计划的第一人称体验. 

AI was of course a hot topic running throughout the day, 讨论的重点是以人为本的方法的重要性. 人们一致认为,企业正在研究如何使用生成式人工智能来增强人类的工作, rather than completely replace it. 

Skills Snapshot 2024 launched 

The new Skills Snapshot, 专注于与一系列全球最大的博彩平台数字成员的对话和焦点小组, 由医学博士主席Alison Ross和副主席Tom ames - cull. Overall, the report looks at how skills, 人才和多样性相互交织,共同为一个成功的科技生态系统创造合适的元素. 

去年,风险投资下降,裁员人数令人遗憾地上升, the overall outlook for 2024 is broadly positive. 通常我们的研究发现,搜索最多的工作角色是程序员/开发人员,但今年发现已经转移到人工智能角色. 

However, 55%的企业表示,他们没有采用人工智能的原因是找不到合适的人才. 这向我们表明,缺乏人工智能人才途径可能会导致采用速度放缓, plus wage inflation over the next few years. 

Keynote speech - looking ahead to 2024 

我们的主题演讲还关注了2024年的技能和招聘状况, by looking at past trends. 题为“了解过去,预测数字技能经济的未来”, the talk was given by Ecom MD Rob Sugden. 他总结说,在经历了艰难的2023年之后,2024年肯定看起来更加乐观, 科技企业在聘用正式员工之前,会谨慎地聘用合同工. He also said that candidate confidence is growing, after high numbers of redundancies last year, which creates a healthy movement in the jobs market. 他还证实,人工智能很可能成为今年一个巨大的增长市场, 企业将致力于让人们回到办公室, and would look at good long-term employee retention strategies. 

A spotlight on ethics in AI 

一场题为“确保人工智能支持下的劳动力中道德与创新之间的平衡”的小组讨论邀请了专家伊丽莎白·斯科特·英帝国勋章, Executive Director at the Turing Innovation Catalyst; Alex Meehan, Data Science Product Lead at the Co-op; Ignasi Pizarro, Director in Gen AI Financial Services at GlobalLogic; John Tredinnick, atkinssamualis的数字学习顾问,由Lily Stanton主持, Principal Consultant at AtkinsRéalis.   

围绕以人为本的方法进行了很好的讨论, ensuring we don’t replicate existing bias, 将道德和利益相关者置于设计的中心,以及如何确保员工不会因为想要创新而无视设置的护栏. 

Question Time panel 

我们的提问时间小组由Katie Gallagher主持,并邀请了Rakesh Maharaj, Co-founder and CEO at ARMA Academy; Dr Opeoluwa Aiyenitaju, Lecturer in Business Information Systems at MMU; Rebekah Drury, Senior People Business Partner at Booking.以及Auto Trader首席人事和运营总监艾莉森·罗斯. 


Wellbeing at work with AutoTrader 

Sophie Ratinckx, Senior People Partner and Hannah Graley, 人力资源运营主管分享了他们在过去几年里如何应对不断变化的工作环境的经历,并开发了一个名为“更多美好工作日”(More Good Days at work)的新项目. 

他们告诉我们Auto Trader如何迅速适应了让每个人都在家工作的挑战, and then the shift to flexible working. 他们对一个成功的工作幸福感项目的三点总结是: 

  • A strong mental health network 
  • Build a community 
  • Find the right external experts 


我们欢迎一个真正鼓舞人心的炉边聊天,谈论我们的新导师计划, which sits under the overall Digital Her programme, which was hosted by Dr Nicki Clegg, Industry Stakeholder Manager, STEM Learning. 

She encouraged mentor Elaine Mullan, 市场营销和业务发展主管兼学员Bekki Walker, HR Coordinator at IMS to talk us through their journey. 很明显,他们已经建立了良好的联系和关系,两人都从师徒关系中获益良多. 

An apprenticeship journey 

我们也听到了来自Tay Duncan的消息,他是Auto Trader的一名软件开发学徒. He used to work at a call centre, 但在新冠疫情期间,他对如何利用技术提高工作效率产生了真正的兴趣. 他于2022年9月成功十大正规博彩网站评级全球最大的博彩平台数字学徒计划, he’s been working on accessibility for the Auto Trader website, as well as automation tools. 听到他的整个旅程,以及他在这么短的时间内发展了多少技术和专业技能,真是令人惊讶. 


The Digital Skills Festival headline sponsor is Auto Trader, while the strategic partner is Manchester City Council’s Digital Strategy. The Conference Day sponsors are Ecom and AtkinsRéalis, while Talent Day sponsors are BAE Systems and Tracsis. Digital Her Day sponsors are and Global Logic. Education partners are the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Salford. Discover Digital Apprenticeship Day is sponsored by the BCS. The festival is also sponsored by Bruntwood SciTech.

We’d also like to thank FareShare 十大正规博彩网站评级我们,告诉我们他们在全球最大的博彩平台的使命和项目. 全球最大的博彩平台数字很高兴支持FareShare和他们所有的惊人的工作.

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