

Each week we interview one of our members to find out a bit more about them and their work in the Greater Manchester digital sphere. 本周我们将与 Slalom, the global consultancy firm focused on strategy, technology and business transformation.


Slalom is a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation.  We enjoy solving problems through collaboration; helping our clients modernise, bring solutions to life and transforming their culture. We put people at the centre of everything we do.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

Access to talented people has been, and will continue to be, the biggest challenge in the sector. Nowadays every business is a technology business, they just happen to apply technology to different ends. 结果是, everyone’s competing for the same people. There’s a common need to grow the local talent pool which will be achieved in several different ways including targeted education, increasing diversity and continuous re-skilling.

通过 我们的项目, we help our clients get their arms around common technology challenges, 构建速度并快速交付结果, while up-skilling their internal teams so they’re able to pick up the reins and deliver long-term results, 独立. This often involves us helping to shape the long-term operating model, identify skills requirements and build internal capability.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement? 

Slalom was originally founded in 2001 in Seattle. Since then we’ve organically grown to a team of over 7,000年顾问, 总部设在英国的战略家和工程师, 美国和加拿大.  

Together we share a desire to do what's right and help our client’s realise their vision. We believe in generating success collaboratively, leaving our clients stronger after every engagement, 为下一个大挑战建立信任.  Maintaining that common focus while growing at pace has to be our biggest achievement.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge? 

Historically, we’ve grown relatively quickly in many of our markets. It’s a continual challenge to grow in new and established markets while staying true to our principles.  As our culture and ways of working are so central to who we are, getting the balance right in each of our markets is critical to our people, 我们的客户和合作伙伴. 到目前为止, 我们做到了, and been recognized for the achievement… Slalom has been voted onto the Fortune 100 “Best Companies to Work for” list in each of the last four years.

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

我们正在建造一个 曼联是一支伟大的球队, sourced from local talent, and we’re super-excited about what the future holds. There’s clearly a lot of investment in the digital and tech sector, and opportunities for ambitious individuals and innovative businesses alike.  我相信这并不奇怪, but one of the things that sets Manchester apart for us is the strength of the overall community; there’s a strong desire to make connections and work collaboratively.  

随着技术的发展, it’s becoming increasingly important for organisations to operate within a wider ecosystem rather than in isolation. Smart businesses understand where their skills lie, and when to partner with others. Within this context, we believe Manchester is well positioned for success.

Tell us something we might not know about your company?

We have a policy of “no unwanted travel” for all members of our team.  We like everyone to have lives outside work and to be able to meet the commitments they make to their friends, 家庭, 整个社会和他们自己. 结果是, we work closely with our clients and the Slalom team to shape projects in a way that meets everyone’s goals.


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