
条款 & 条件





  • “公司”预订表格上代表的雇主
  • “保荐人”协议/发票上注明的保荐人的雇主
  • “参展商”:发票上所列参展商的雇主
  • “代表”是任何参加全球最大的博彩平台数字公司活动的人
  • “事件”是所有全球最大的博彩平台数字公司的事件
  • “组织者”全球最大的博彩平台数字公司
  • “套餐”指活动期间提供的设施和机会


2.1 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with UK law and any disputes resulting from an interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be settled by a UK court.


3.1 参加活动的申请 must be made via the Manchester Digital website and online registration p年龄 via EventBrite or via personal invitation with a Manchester Digital representative. No alterations to these terms and conditions can be accepted without the written consent of the Organiser.



4.2 The Delegate will be charged and will pay any supplier directly during the Event for all goods and services not included in the delegate or sponsorship pack年龄.

4.旅行和酒店住宿不包括在预订中. 主办单位将不接受与代表的旅行有关的发票或费用, 住宿及其他费用.


5.1 .主办方接受正式赞助协议表格或在线预订, 主办单位与公司之间将签订与活动有关的合同. 如公司未支付任何应付款项, 不管法律是否要求, 或者违约, 或不遵守, 公司或代表对这些条款和条件中的任何条款和条件, 或公司或代表须遵守的任何规定, the Organiser shall have right to terminate the contract and to refuse pass年龄 to the Delegate or attendance to the Event by the Delegate without prejudice to the right to recover all sums payable by the Company and all other claims against it, 及主办机构所遭受的任何损失或损害.


6.1 Any notification of withdrawal or cancellation by the Company and/or Delegate must be in writing and sent to the Organiser. 主办单位收到书面通知后,将视为已取消活动.

6.2 .取消赞助/摊位会导致主办单位的收入损失,因此, 我们不发出退款,一旦付款已作出.

6.如果在活动前30天以上收到书面取消通知, the delegate can request a full credit note for a future event organised by Manchester Digital or 50% of their payment.


6.大会保留更改或取消活动的权利,恕不另行通知(包括替换), 更改或取消活动计划, 演讲者, 主题, dates and location) The Organiser is not responsible for any loss or dam年龄 as a result of an alteration of an event.

6.7如主办单位取消活动, payments received at the cancellation date will be credited towards attendance at a future event or in the event of postponement towards the rescheduled date. 除非另有约定,所有信用票据有效期为12个月.

6.7 Manchester Digital reserves the right to refuse admission or to eject delegates in circumstances deemed reasonable (for example, 出于健康和安全考虑, 安全, 或环境问题), 并可能偶尔进行安全检查和/或健康检查,以确保代表的安全. Delegates may also be refused entry or ejected from the event on account of exhibiting anti-social behaviour or declining to be searched or health checked. 在这种情况下,被拒绝入场或被驱逐的代表将不获退款.

6.如果不是政府的限制,就是全球最大的博彩平台数字自己的健康 & 安全评估, 意思是这个活动不能按照计划的日期进行, 我们将把这次活动转为虚拟形式. The platform we work with allows for the same features and benefits to be enjoyed in the virtual world as the physical world, 远离安全舒适的家. 这种可能性会发生吗, 您的门票将自动转入虚拟赛事.



7.2 Delegates will not have rights to attend the Event until payment is made in full and will not be allowed to attend any other sessions or social functions at Manchester Digital events

7.3 All payments will be issued with a receipt and the delegate is liable to pay any necessary taxes and service fees where applicable.

7.完成委托预约后, 未来的促销优惠不能与原始预订同时使用, 如适用,.



8.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law the Company shall not have any claim against the Organiser in respect of any loss or dam年龄 consequent upon the failure for whatever reason to hold any part of the Event or of the venue at which the Event is scheduled to take place becoming wholly or partially unavailable for the holding of the Event.

如果是通过重新安排或推迟活动期间, 或以其他场地代替举办活动, 或其他合理方式, 事件可以发生, 主办单位与公司之间的合同继续有效.

8.2 If the Organiser has to alter the content or timing of the Event Programme or the identity of any 演讲者, for any reason whatsoever; the organiser is not liable to refund delegate fees or pay for additional costs incurred by delegates attending the event.


9.主办单位对公司或代表的任何财产的安全概不负责, 或者为它的损失, 损害或毁坏或赔偿公司或代表遭受的任何损失或损害, 不管是什么原因. No responsibility can be accepted by the Organisers for any consequences arising from postponement or abandonment of the Event. The Company should take out its own insurance to cover all liabilities and risks as well as non-attendance by the delegate for whatever reason.


10.1 The Company and the Delegate must comply with any reasonable instructions given by the venue or any other authority regarding fire precautions.


11.1 Information supplied by the Organiser in relation to any event is accurate to the best of their knowledge and belief, but shall not constitute any warranty or representation by the Organiser and any inaccuracy or mistake in such information or omission from it shall not entitle the Company to cancel its booking.

11.除非另有说明, 与活动有关的所有信息和数据, 由主办机构提供给代表的资料, 仅供该委托使用, 是否为主办机构的版权,不得出于任何目的转让给任何第三方.


12.主办单位保留拒绝或驱逐任何出席活动人士的权利, 在主办单位的意见, is or is likely to be undesirable or may put the safety and wellbeing of the other delegates or staff at risk.

也请观看活动 Covid政策.


我们的平台致力于为每个人提供一个“安全的地方”, 不论性别, 性别认同与表达, 年龄, 性取向, 残疾, 外表, 体型, 比赛, 种族, 宗教信仰(或缺乏宗教信仰), 或者技术选择. We do not tolerate harassment of any members of our platforms and participants in our virtual and live events in any form. 性语言和意象不适合任何商业团体或节日, 包括谈判, 研讨会, 推特和其他网络媒体. Members and festival participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the platform or conference without a refund at the discretion of Manchester Digital.

全球最大的博彩平台数字,我们是一个包容的社区. 所有成员, 我们的虚拟和现场活动的参与者, 演讲者, 赞助商和志愿者必须同意以下内容. 作为我们社区的一员,你应该始终表现得专业. 善待、尊重、包容所有成员. 因此,我们要求您尊重每个人的隐私.

没有人应该因为自己的种族而感到被排斥, 性别, 性别认同, 或者性别表达, 年龄, 性取向, 宗教, 残疾或健康状况.

是否有人违反我们的行为准则或上述任何事项, Manchester Digital will immediately – and permanently – remove you as a member of our community or a participant in our virtual/live events. 我们实行零容忍政策.

通过报名参加任何活动, 包括赞助或展览, you consent and agree to this statement and understand that any behaviour or action that contradicts this statement will result in my removal.


Our community is made up of a wide range of businesses and we work closely with them to create the optimum environment for sector-wide success.

We are independently funded through membership and we represent the entire ecosystem with a wide range of business types, 模型, 规模和能力构成了我们的社区.